Thanks for your interest in
the ActionMap Toolkit!
Free Trial = Free Training
Increased capabilities with an hour of self-training
Continue using the skill with or without the software
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The subscription signup page is here.
Your coupon is entered on the second page
of the signup procedure.
If you have received the link to this page, we have probably offered you an extended free trial coupon.
The coupon extends your free trial past the standard 30 days provided for all subscriptions. The standard subscription fee is $10 per month.
A credit card is required for the free trial. This is not for billing. It is partly for authentication and partly for us to know that you are truly interested in using the the software.
Credit card information is handled by FastSpring, a major SaaS subscription service. Their website can be viewed here. ActionMap has no access to your credit card information entered at FastSpring, and our policy is to never ask for it. Also, only a minimum amount of personal information (currently name, email and organization) is sent from FastSpring to ActionMap.
You will not be billed during the duration of the free trial. You will receive an initial email at signup, and an email before any billing. These emails have a link by which you can cancel your free trial subscription at any time. You can also cancel by contacting us at
If you are billed at the end of the free trial and did not wish to be please contact us at and we’ll refund the payment.
Please note: the current version of the application requires the Chrome browser on Win7+ or MacOS.
The subscription signup page is here.
Your coupon is entered on the second page of the signup procedure.
The ActionMap support site is
Additional available services based on the ActionMap method
include facilitated sessions, projects and training.
To join our e-mail list for news and updates
or to ask us to contact you regarding
the above product and service offerings
please sign up at our Contact page.

Accelerate Innovation