Working together, small business owners and their advisors can maintain high performance operations…
…until there is a major problem, change or opportunity.
In these cases, more powerful “process change” methods can help, by providing detailed views, evaluations and action plans for the changing situation.
However, small business owners and their advisors may have limited experience with process change methods.
ActionMap provides owners and advisors with an inexpensive, powerful, flexible, easy-to-learn and easy-to-use process method that addresses these needs.
ActionMap’s software and services are described on this page and in more detail on the pages below:
Small Business Services Overview
Small Business Process Change Workshops (detail page link)
Small businesses are experiencing increasing risks as well as opportunities from accelerating economic trends, including globalization, changes in the workforce, automation, and “Silver Tsunami” of Baby Boomer retirements.
Structured process improvement methods can help. However, as typically presented such methods are not well-adapted to small businesses.
ActionMap has embedded decades of process improvement expertise in an inexpensive online software application that provides a “process workshop in-a-box”.
This opens the door for small business to receive the benefits of structured process methods on a broad scale, allowing them to better address those risks and realize those opportunities.
Page link for Small Business Process Change Workshops
Small Business Succession Planning (detail page link)
The growing wave of retirements among baby boomer small business owners can potentially have strong negative impacts for both the owners and their communities.
What is needed is a reliable way to increase the success rate of small business successions.
Small business successions are process-intensive, meaning that they require a strong focus on detailed business activities. This shows up in business valuation, knowledge transfer among owner, buyer and staff, and pre- and post-sale operational improvements.
ActionMap small business process services can help increase business sale value while maintaining and enhancing value to the community during ownership transitions.
Page link for Small Business Succession Planning
Small Business Consultants and Coaches (detail page link)
Small business consultancies, including management coaches and small professional service firms, provide value to small business owners through a combination of subject matter expertise and industry knowledge, general management experience and techniques, and common sense problem-solving tools.
Small business consultancies can expand their service offerings, gain new customers more quickly, accelerate engagement startup times, and deliver more complete results by adding structured process methods to their skill sets and services.
ActionMap’s low cost, easy to learn “process workshop-in-a-box” software application can help small business consultancies start to achieve these goals within a few weeks.
Page link for Small Business Consultancies to Small Business
Small Business Support Organizations (detail page link)
Small businesses play a major role in the economic health and quality of life of communities, and small business owners are often key actors in civic policymaking and community development initiatives.
That’s why there are many organizations dedicated to supporting small businesses, including economic development agencies, chambers of commerce, nonprofit business advisors, and business networking organizations, such as Rotary and Lions.
As described above, small businesses and their communities face increasing risks and also opportunities from accelerating large scale economic trends, including the wave of retirements of Baby Boomer small business owners.
The broader distribution of structure process methods can help small businesses and communities survive, maintain and thrive in these tumultuous times.
ActionMap is networking with small business support organizations for the goal of broadly distributing structured process methods to small businesses and their helpers, including small business consultancies and advisors.
Page link for Small Business Support Organizations
If you are interested…
If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity to:
– increase your small business performance
– reduce risk and increase sale value during successions
– add services and capabilities to your consulting practice, and/or
– work with us in developing a network to support these goals,
please sign up for an initial 30-minute conversation at the link below.
If you have 45 minutes or an hour, we can get into more detail.
Click here to schedule time with Jim
Jim Johnson, ActionMap co-founder and principal consultant, brings over 30 years of experience to accelerating process change in business and technology, along with hundreds of experiences in leading high energy group meetings.
For more information please see our site topics above or reach out to us at our contact page.
Accelerate Innovation
Action Mapper tm / Consensus Catalyst tm