ActionMap Videos
Video Table of Contents

ActionMap’s Core Value Proposition

Time –  1:33

Content – ActionMap Increases Your Ability to Deliver Value

ActionMap’s Value Add

Time –  2:57

Content – How ActionMap Increases Value Delivery

How ActionMap Workshops Work: ActionMap’s Secret Sauce

Time –  3:12

Content – How ActionMap Produces Value

ActionMap Introduction

Time –  2:51

Content – Overview, Function and Value Proposition

ActionMap in a Nutshell

Time – 1:09   

Content – A brief overview of the ActionMap method

Core Operation of the Software – Demo

Time – 3: 08  

Content – Quick demonstration of the mechanics of the software.

ActionMap Accelerates Business Development

Time – 2:51   

Content – How ActionMap can achieve much of engagement, discovery and proposals in hours instead of several weeks.

ActionMap Accelerates Business Launches – Founder’s View

Time – 1:17   

Content – Rapid development of the many processes startups need for launch

ActionMap Accelerates Business Launches – Incubator’s View

Time – 1:17   

Content – Rapid development of the many processes startups need for launch

ActionMap Support for Small Business Now

Time – 1:53   

Content – Fast, effective operational improvement for small businesses, for owners and consultants

ActionMap Accelerates Civic Process Change

Time – 1:28  

Content – How ActionMap can accelerate civic process change

ActionMap Support for Pro Bono Consulting

Time – 1:28   

Content – Using ActionMap for helping non-profits and civic organizations

How ActionMap Accelerates Process Change

Time –  3:43

Content – How ActionMap Accelerates Process Change.  Describes how we think the method produces the “people” results.  Overlaps with the Introduction with more detail.

ActionMap Toolkit Overview and Demonstration

Time –  8:04

Content – Short functional overview plus about a six minute demo of the software in operation.  This will give you some of the Overview if you want to check out the Introduction and “How It Works” video later.

“Just the Demo” Video

Time –  6:54

Content – Same as the “Overview and Demonstration” without the Overview.  This is useful if you have seen the Introduction or “How It Works” video, or if you would just like to see how the software operates.

“Full method / random input” Video

Time –  8:09

Show a run through of all the activities in the software using random text inputs.  Can be run at 2x speed to reduce the time to four minutes.  Purpose is to show the mechanics of the software without concern for capturing specific meaningful information. 

“Process Thinking and Stakeholder Values – Survive, Sustain and Thrive” Video

Time –  1:39

Describes how process thinking increases organizations’ abilities to fulfill stakeholder values.

ActionMap's Core Value Proposition

ActionMap’s Core Value Add

How ActionMap Workshops Work: ActionMap’s “Secret Sauce”

ActionMap Introduction – Overview and Value Proposition

ActionMap in a Nutshell

Core Operation of the Software – Demo
(Best viewed full screen)

ActionMap Accelerates Business Development
(men characters; scroll for same video with women characters)

ActionMap Accelerates Business Development (Women Characters)

ActionMap Accelerates Business Launches

ActionMap Accelerates Business Launches (Incubator’s View)

ActionMap Support for Small Business Now

ActionMap Support for Pro Bono Consulting

How ActionMap Accelerates Process Change

Overview and Demonstration

“Just the Demonstration”

Full run through of the method with random input

(Can be run at 2x speed, see the gear at the bottom right of the video. There is no audio.)

Process Thinking and Stakeholder Values – Survive, Sustain and Thrive” Video

Accelerate Innovation